Sunday, 10 July 2011

Barbury Castle Horse Trials | CIC*** XC Photos

A few photos from CIC*** Cross Country Day:

Video from Saturday & Sunday shortly.

Barbury Castle Horse Trials | CIC** Cross Country

In the end I only managed to spend a few hours at Barbury on Saturday for the CIC**, but here are a few photos:

Some video to follow....

Saturday, 9 July 2011

To Barbury Once More

Barbury Castle Horse Trials
I got up way too early this morning, cantered the horse, arrived at work early, got the important things out of the way, and promptly left headed to Barbury for a few hours to "walk the dog" and see how things were shaping up for the weekend.

The lorry park was tightly packed, so full classes all round. We'd had rain most of the night and all morning, but by the time I arrived it was dry enough for the dust to be kicked up off the stone tracks, but the turf here is so thick, well established and well maintained the going is pretty decent, and usually always is these days.