Friday, 15 August 2008

tick tock 2012

For eventing the clock has already starting ticking for the next olympics, our own - hurrah! No doubt postmortems of the HK event are already underway around dinner tables and on flights back to blighty. And let's face it there's plenty to be learnt. From my own experiences of the HKJC they rarely do things by half, so we will have had plenty of opportunity to pick up good ideas from Hong Kong. There's also plenty to learn from the competition itself, opportunities to benefit from hindsight (the cross country was a real disaster). 

Planning in earnest for 2012 has already begun with the appointment of Tim Hadaway to full time Commander in Chief of the equestrian olympics. Tim is one of those unsung hero types who works hard, and has great skill and enthusiasm for the organisation of events. He's now needs to start building a good team around him without the shackles of 'old school' equestrianists that we have seen running these large scale events over the last 10 years. Time to hire new blood!

If all goes well Britain should be at fever pitch come 2012. The horse & hound will probably go in to melt down!

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