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Have Fun Cross Country But Be Safe |
A number of things in recent weeks have been discussed or published on the safety topic, and then there's a visit I made to America earlier this year, and a somewhat eye opening spectacle at a one day event.
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Dressage | Not As Safe As It First Looks |
But then I have always found Eventing really doesn't seem to take dress code seriously at all, my favourite gripe at the moment is the ridiculous bibs situation, in which case I really don't see why we have top hats in the Dressage phase, so perhaps it's time to make hard hats mandatory purely for dress sense!
On a more serious note, it [enforcing hard hats] really is an option worthy of serious consideration, each year at Badminton you can guarantee that at least one horse will rear, bronco or spin in the dressage arena. It would take only an unfortunate twist of fate for a rider to fall onto a fence paling or some such thing for it to be catastrophic. Overall I'm all for letting people make their own value judgements, so I'm not going to bang the drum in either camp, and I would like to see wider debate before anything was forced upon riders, we get too much of that already. The Americans are actually considering some significant rule changes
Now secondly, I remember 'frangible pins' being introduced many years ago, and I'm a real sucker for technology (I'm one of those 'early adopters' the tech companies love). Technology in this area has come along way in the last few years and particularly in the last 12 months, not all of it good, but all of it interesting and innovative. You've possibly seen this video before, but here's Hugh Thomas (Badminton Horse Trials Course Designer) explaining some of what has been going on recently in the field of "Deformable Fences":
Thirdly, this brings me neatly to cross country riding (safely), how bad are we all at it, what Lucinda Green has recently suggested is the answer to the safety issue, and some observations of my own, from a recent trip and the experience I have from playing host to a very busy cross country schooling facility.
These deformable/frangible fences bring with them some psychological challenges for the sport, I believe. Making a range of fences safer, I think, can lead to a false sense of security, and perhaps not leave a rider with enough correct respect for a fence. Also, Oliver Townend's fall at Kentucky earlier this year demonstrated that these safety mechanisms are not all encompassing or fail-safe.
Remember fences are rarely the problem, it's how they are ridden, or we'd see the same problem at the same fence time and time again, but I'm not a fan of dishing out penalties for breaking frangible pins. We need to constantly ram home the complexities of riding cross country, and how to evaluate the challenges being set. BE is not slack in this respect and quite often you will see course walks taking place across all of the classes, allowing amateurs to walk alongside professionals and learn. A lot more of this educational tactic would go a long way in reducing the number of accidents, along with more cross country clinics, forums etc. (which gives me an idea...)
In many ways I am really lucky, as we have a 40 acre cross country schooling facility at my yard, which on a busy day can have anything from 60-100 horses through the place, and I get to watch and chat with so many of the top professionals in the sport as they come schooling. I quite often warm up (even for flat work) out there so get to see a lot of what goes on, and I have to say I'm constantly amazed at how unstructured and unfocussed many are (mainly non-professionals) that come schooling. Although I've not ridden advanced in this country (or for some time), I do for a variety of reasons get to walk many of 1-4* tracks. There is plenty of variety out there particularly at 1 & 2 star level, so structured schooling is very important.
Cross country schooling is like any other schooling session, for the horse it should consist of a physical warm up, a mental warm up, and a set of structured exercises. So often I've seen people merrily trot out from the lorry park and head straight for the water, or worse still some of the drop fences. At least once a week we move the fences around the site to so there is always some variety and it helps preserve the ground. Yet with all this still so many come schooling without fore thought or planning, never looking for a line of fences to ride, or mapping out some combinations, all of which is available for every level and every stage in a schooling session.
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Lucinda Green | In Need of A Steeplechase |
Possibly, but I am a big fan of the short format and the positive effect it has on horse's fitness for the final phase, and longevity. I also think that problems like this should be tackled head on. If the standard of riding needs to be raised, let's tackle this in the class room, not in the exam. I've always thought that cross country warm-ups at 3 and 4 star level should include some brush fences, which I think would be hugely beneficial in what Lucinda is aiming to achieve.
Now, I wonder if Lucinda's other pet hate of the modern sport will get some air time; how do we remove the dressage influence (or entire phase) from the competition? (because it's too subjective)
Dressage supremo, Robert Dover, has also made some 'controversial' comments on eventing and the safety & wellbeing of the horses in his blog, which provoked William Micklem to pipe up over on the Chronicle of the Horse, which in turn set eventing nation off on a mission as well. Gosh! where will it all end......? I suppose the fact all of these things are talked about and debated is good....
Showjumping | It's About Agility Not Speed |
Watching dressage produced a fairly similar feeling, particularly in the warm-up arena, and I must admit I was a little surprised to see warm up fences in the cross country tackled with the same bravado! Having seen riders using 'metre wheels' at this level for the first time, I had expected a more considered approach to both warm up and the course itself.
But more astonishing, was the following:
Not what you want chasing you on cross country! |
As entertaining as all this may have seemed at the time, it really was alarming!
In summary, I'm really glad so much is being discussed on the subject of safety, and my only hope is that we don't take the sport down an overly cautious track where we lose sight of what makes this sport so popular (remember Badminton attracts 0.25M visitors!) and that is, an exciting and exhilarating cross country phase. Education, on so many fronts, is how we will continue to improve the sport, and I for one believe we can all play a small part in that.
I know only too well myself how easy it is to become complacent, or lose sight of what is needed to improve. In most cases it comes down to education, something that should be repeated. A wise person recently told me you cannot ride at advanced level without some help 'on the ground', I agree and would go as far as to say, you can never rise a level without some help on the ground. Improvement always requires fresh perspective. So, if you can, please help those less experienced than yourself and learn from those more experienced than you. We need to tackle all these things before the competition, not in the competition.
Before I forget [climbs aboard his soap box], in addition to banning ridiculous bibs, I put forward the motion to ban polystyrene logs, and throttle happy red necks in pick-up trucks from the cross country phase! (Kentucky 3DE please take note, in light of your new tailgating ticket)
I'm currently working on quite a big piece about cross country riding, course design etc, so keep half an eye on the blog over the coming month, as it will include plenty of comment from some very interesting people....
By all means share you thoughts on the reintroduction of steeplechase or anything else I've mentioned here.
ReplyDeleteFirstly I agree I see so many people now not warming up as they should and this just isn't for cross country schooling people are not warming up for flat work or show jumping. I see most people getting on and going almost straight away into a canter.
I am also guilty of not wearing a hat for flat work. I know I should because when I am teaching new things my horse tends to get a bit excited and like you said accidents do happen.
I have to stick up for us a little bit (American eventers), hee hee. There is bad riding everywhere, I agree, but it is something we as a group are not supportive of. There are many of who work very very hard to be systematic and carefully consider what our horses need. There are a lot of really excellent folks training and teaching (at least in my Area). Sadly, there will always be the yahoos.
ReplyDeleteLOL, I cannot BELIEVE the course builder chased a rider in his truck. I mean, I live in redneck central and no, there is no chasing with trucks. Chasing with golf carts, now that is a different story.
I for one, though, am SUPER excited to see helmet rules come into play in dressage. Courtney King-Dye's accident has really had a galvanizing effect on the whole horse community. We are long overdue for this one and it can't happen soon enough.
Great post. As a mother, I always impose safety to my children by wearing safety gears when they are on the bicycle, skateboard or skates. It does not give me a hundred percent peace of mind but I get to think that it could be worse. Anyways, I completely agree with placing Steeplechase on the tracks for safe landing. If they do it on humans, I guess it's safe to say that it will work as well on horses.